Yoga Therapy

Stephanie Quirk is a world leader in the field of Yoga Therapeutics and offers the following:

  • Private Yoga Therapy Consultations - these consultations are held online and can help individuals who are suffering from injuries or illnesses.

  • Yoga Therapy Education - Stephanie facilitates workshops internationally for experienced students, teacher trainees and certified teachers.

Stephanie also has a library of workshops that have been held periodically since early 2020. Details are available on the Library of Recordings page.

Private Yoga Therapy Consultations

Consultations are held online via Zoom and are suitable for individuals who are experienced practitioners and are working with an injury and / or an illness and are seeking advise on how their yoga practice can be modified to help them work through their personal circumstances.

Bookings - Please email Stephanie at including details of the injury and / or the illness you are seeking advice for. Stephanie will then make contact to agree a suitable date / time for the consultation.

Cost - $130 in person / $120 online for a 1 hour private consultation. Payment will be made by Bank transfer and Stephanie will provide details once a suitable time has been agreed.

Consultation Recording - Stephanie will provide you with access to the recording of the consultation for an agreed period of time, so you can re-visit the discussion if needed.

Yoga Therapy Education

Periodically throughout the year Stephanie will offer Yoga Therapy education in various locations internationally. The Yoga Therapy education is titled “Seeing & Understanding from the Base”. This seven part course mirrors Guruji’s learning schema of beginning from the see-able observable outer form, through to the more subtle aspects of the mind and senses of perception.

This training is invaluable for teachers and trainee teachers to help them understand how to work with students with common issues and for experienced practitioners looking to deepen their practice and understanding of yoga.

The study begins at the already established base of the students own practice. Stephanie will then introduce participants to adaptions, modifications, and props that with assist participants with their own practice and for teachers / trainees assist students who attend their classes with commonly occurring problems and conditions.

1 part will be scheduled each year until the 7 parts have been completed. Each part is scheduled over 4 days. A possible structure of a 4 day workshop is as follows:

  • All Days: 10am - 1pm (3 hours) then 3pm - 5.30pm (2 1/2 hours).

Please see a short video below (13 minutes) where Stephanie shares with us the structure of the Yoga Therapy Training Further details for the workshops already  completed  in Australia can be found here.

Details for workshop scheduled can be found on my Workshops page.

If you have any questions, please email Stephanie at

What are the 7 Parts to Seeing & Understanding from the Base

Part 1 The Karmendriyas 1 - The Outer Body Extended in Locomotion - Feet, Knees & Hips. Recordings for Part 1 are available through Marrickville Yoga using this link.

Part 2 The Karmendriyas 2 - The Outer Body that Gestures Offers & Holds - Arms, Shoulders & the Upper Spine / Neck. Recordings for Part 2 are available through Marrickville Yoga using this link.

Part 3 The Base - The Lower Spine, Pelvis / Sacrum. Recordings for Part 3 are available through Marrickville Yoga using this link.

Part 4 The Energetic Embodiment 1 - Vitality the Work of Bring “Life” - Health of the Vital Organic Body including Heart, Lungs, Pancreas & Thyroid. Recordings for Part 4 are available through Marrickville Yoga using this link.

Part 5 The Energetic Embodiment 2 - The Sustainer, Upholder & Maintainer of Life - The Body Responsible for the Holding & Retaining - Digestion, Absorbtion & Elimination.

Part 6 Acquiring the State of Balance & Harmony Systemic Imbalance - Imbalances that affect our entire being - Hyper / Hypo tension, Endocrine & of the Nervous System - When the nervous system over works or is in a state of deterioration and disorder.

Part 7 Listening & Seeing - Realising - the Senses of Perception & the Mind.

Need further information?

If you have any questions regarding upcoming workshops and classes, please contact me.